
Parmesan & Pecorino

All about Parmesan & Pecorino

What is Parmesan?

Parmesan is a hard cheese from Italy. The cheese is made from cow's milk and is known for its savory, nutty taste. Parmesan is often grated over pasta and risotto and is an essential ingredient in many traditional Italian dishes.

The history of Parmesan

Parmesan has a long history dating back to the Middle Ages. The cheese was first produced in the hills of Parma, Italy in the 13th century. Local farmers discovered that the milk produced in the winter was better suited for making hard cheese due to the cool temperatures.

The production of Parmesan

To produce Parmesan, milk is first heated to 32-35°C. Then, rennet is added to curdle the milk. Once the milk has curdled, it is cut into small pieces to separate the whey. The cheese is then pressed into molds and rubbed with salt.

What is Pecorino?

Pecorino is an Italian hard cheese made from sheep's milk. The cheese is known for its intense flavor and is often grated over pasta or served as an appetizer.

The history of Pecorino

The history of Pecorino dates back to ancient times. Sheep farmers in Italy have been making cheese from sheep's milk for centuries. The name Pecorino comes from the Italian word "pecora," which means sheep.

The production of Pecorino

To produce Pecorino, sheep's milk is first heated to 30-35°C. Then, rennet is added to curdle the milk. Once the milk has curdled, it is cut into small pieces to separate the whey. The cheese is then pressed into molds and soaked in salt.

Differences between Parmesan and Pecorino

Parmesan and Pecorino differ in many ways. The obvious difference is that Parmesan is made from cow's milk and Pecorino is made from sheep's milk. But the taste and texture also differ. Parmesan has a savory, nutty taste and a granular texture, while Pecorino has an intense, salty taste and a harder texture.

Using Parmesan and Pecorino in the kitchen

Parmesan and Pecorino are used in many traditional Italian dishes. Parmesan is often grated over pasta and risotto, while Pecorino is often served as an appetizer or grated over pasta dishes. Both cheeses can also be used as an ingredient in salads or on pizza.


Although Parmesan and Pecorino may look similar at first glance, they differ in many aspects such as taste, texture, and usage in the kitchen. However, both cheeses are essential ingredients in traditional Italian cuisine and give many dishes their distinctive flavor.
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