
Flour, Semolina & Starch

Flour, Semolina & Starch

What are Flour, Semolina, and Starch?

Flour, semolina, and starch are important ingredients in the kitchen that are obtained from grains. Flour is produced by grinding grains into powder. There are different types of flour, such as wheat flour, rye flour, spelt flour or corn starch. Semolina, on the other hand, is produced by crushing grains and has a coarser texture than flour. Starch is a component of grains that is obtained through a special process.

Use of Flour, Semolina, and Starch

Flour, semolina, and starch are used in the kitchen in many ways. Flour is used, for example, for making bread, cakes, pastries, and noodles. Depending on the type of flour, the consistency of the end product also varies. Semolina is mainly used for making semolina dumplings, semolina soup, or semolina pudding. Starch is used as a thickening agent for sauces, soups, or pudding.

The different types of Flour

There are different types of flour that differ in their content of certain nutrients. Wheat flour is the most common flour and is used for both bread and pastries. Rye flour is particularly suitable for rye bread because it has a strong and spicy flavor. Spelt flour is suitable for people who cannot tolerate gluten-containing wheat flour and is good for making bread or pastries. Corn starch is used as a gluten-free thickener.

Wheat flour

Wheat flour is the most commonly used flour in Germany. It has a high content of carbohydrates and proteins and contains important vitamins and minerals. Wheat flour comes in different types that differ in their content of minerals and fiber. White flour contains only a few minerals and fiber, while whole wheat flour still contains all the components of the grain.

Rye flour

Rye flour is mainly used in northern Germany for making bread. It contains less gluten than wheat flour and therefore has a different texture. Rye bread is darker and denser than white bread and has a stronger flavor.

Spelt flour

Spelt flour is obtained from an ancient variety of grain and is well tolerated by people who cannot tolerate gluten-containing wheat flour. Spelt flour contains many nutrients and is suitable for making bread or pastries.

Corn starch

Corn starch is obtained from corn and is a gluten-free thickener that is suitable for making sauces, soups, or pudding. It has a high binding power and ensures a creamy texture.


Overall, flour, semolina, and starch are important ingredients in the kitchen that can be used in many ways. Depending on the type of flour, the nutrients and consistency of the end product also vary. Those looking to avoid gluten-containing wheat flour can find good alternatives with spelt flour or corn starch.
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